Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (e2e466)

Log Messages

Level (7)
Channel (-1)
Time Message
silenced Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by "restrict_api" configuration directive
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
error Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET"" at RouterListener.php line 127
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Listener
stopped propagation of the event
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener
debug Notified event
to listener

There are no log messages.

Container Compilation Logs (212)

Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.
Messages Class
  • Resolving inheritance for "" (parent: cache.adapter.filesystem).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.system" (parent: cache.adapter.system).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.validator" (parent: cache.system).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.serializer" (parent: cache.system).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.annotations" (parent: cache.system).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.property_info" (parent: cache.system).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.system_clearer" (parent: cache.default_clearer).
  • Resolving inheritance for "cache.global_clearer" (parent: cache.default_clearer).
  • Resolving inheritance for "secrets.decryption_key" (parent: container.env).
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBagInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\StoreInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UriSigner"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\UriSigner"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ReverseContainer"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\String\Slugger\SluggerInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\FragmentUriGeneratorInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "error_renderer.html"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "error_renderer"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ".Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $parameter_bag"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $parameterBag"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\TagAwareCacheInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorRenderer\FileLinkFormatter"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "routing.loader.annotation"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ""; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "routing.loader.annotation.file"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcherInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContextAwareInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "cache.default_redis_provider"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "cache.default_memcached_provider"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "cache.default_doctrine_dbal_provider"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "SessionHandlerInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ""; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "session.handler"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Twig_Environment"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Twig\Environment"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "twig.loader.filesystem"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "argument_resolver.controller_locator"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "twig.loader"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "Psr\Log\LoggerInterface"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ".service_locator.bJ.4HC5"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ".service_locator.L.EDYUC"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "controller_resolver"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "argument_resolver"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service "twig.error_renderer.html.inner"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ".service_locator.gFlme_s"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ".service_locator.jyh.CQG"; reason: private alias.
  • Removed service ".service_locator.u6DWx23"; reason: private alias.
  • Changed reference of service "locale_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "http_kernel" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
  • Changed reference of service "url_helper" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "services_resetter" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
  • Changed reference of service "fragment.renderer.inline" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
  • Changed reference of service "console.command.router_debug" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "console.command.router_match" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "router_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "console_profiler_listener" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
  • Changed reference of service "twig.extension.routing" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "web_profiler.controller.profiler" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "web_profiler.controller.router" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "debug.file_link_formatter.url_format" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service "web_profiler.debug_toolbar" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service ".service_locator.cUcW89y" previously pointing to "router.default" to "router".
  • Changed reference of service ".service_locator.9ETxUxh" previously pointing to "debug.event_dispatcher" to "event_dispatcher".
  • Removed service "container.env"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.system"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.apcu"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.filesystem"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.psr6"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.redis"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.memcached"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.doctrine_dbal"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.pdo"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "cache.adapter.array"; reason: abstract.
  • Removed service "http_cache"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service ""; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "reverse_container"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "console.messenger.application"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "console.messenger.execute_command_handler"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service ".cache_connection.GD_MSZC"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service ".cache_connection.JKE6keX"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service ""; reason: unused.
  • Removed service ""; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "session.handler.native_file"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "session.abstract_handler"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "session.marshaller"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "twig.loader.chain"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "twig.extension.htmlsanitizer"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "twig.extension.weblink"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "twig.runtime.serializer"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service "twig.extension.serializer"; reason: unused.
  • Removed service ".service_locator.XXv1IfR"; reason: unused.
  • Inlined service "twig.error_renderer.html" to "error_controller".
  • Inlined service "debug.controller_resolver" to "http_kernel".
  • Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver" to "http_kernel".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.Xbsa8iG" to "container.get_routing_condition_service".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.lLv4pWF" to "fragment.handler".
  • Inlined service "uri_signer" to "fragment.uri_generator".
  • Inlined service "cache_clearer" to "console.command.cache_clear".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.NBUFN6A" to "console.command.cache_pool_invalidate_tags".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.9ETxUxh" to "console.command.event_dispatcher_debug".
  • Inlined service "" to "".
  • Inlined service "cache.system.recorder_inner" to "cache.system".
  • Inlined service "cache.validator.recorder_inner" to "cache.validator".
  • Inlined service "cache.serializer.recorder_inner" to "cache.serializer".
  • Inlined service "cache.annotations.recorder_inner" to "cache.annotations".
  • Inlined service "cache.property_info.recorder_inner" to "cache.property_info".
  • Inlined service "debug.controller_resolver.inner" to "debug.controller_resolver".
  • Inlined service "debug.argument_resolver.inner" to "debug.argument_resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.xml" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.yml" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.php" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.glob" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.container" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute.file" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.psr4" to "routing.resolver".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator..6hZeC_" to "routing.loader.container".
  • Inlined service "routing.resolver" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.cUcW89y.router.cache_warmer" to "router.cache_warmer".
  • Inlined service "secrets.decryption_key" to "secrets.vault".
  • Inlined service "container.getenv" to "secrets.decryption_key".
  • Inlined service "" to "session.factory".
  • Inlined service "session.handler.native" to "".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.cXsfP3P" to "session_listener".
  • Inlined service "" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service ".data_collector.command" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.time" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.memory" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.ajax" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.exception" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.logger" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.twig" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "data_collector.config" to "profiler".
  • Inlined service "twig.loader.native_filesystem" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.profiler" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.trans" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.code" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.routing" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.yaml" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.debug.stopwatch" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.httpkernel" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.httpfoundation" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.debug" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.extension.webprofiler" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.app_variable" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.runtime_loader" to "twig".
  • Inlined service "twig.configurator.environment" to "twig".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.etVElvN.twig.template_cache_warmer" to "twig.template_cache_warmer".
  • Inlined service "twig.template_iterator" to "twig.template_cache_warmer".
  • Inlined service "fragment.handler" to "twig.runtime.httpkernel".
  • Inlined service "fragment.uri_generator" to "twig.runtime.httpkernel".
  • Inlined service "url_helper" to "twig.extension.httpfoundation".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.HJisze0" to "twig.runtime_loader".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.backed_enum_resolver" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.backed_enum_resolver".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.datetime" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.datetime".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.request_attribute" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.request_attribute".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.request" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.request".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.session" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.session".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.service" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.service".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.default" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.default".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.variadic" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.variadic".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.not_tagged_controller".
  • Inlined service "argument_resolver.query_parameter_value_resolver" to ".debug.value_resolver.argument_resolver.query_parameter_value_resolver".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.PvoQzFT" to ".service_locator.PvoQzFT.router.default".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.cUcW89y" to ".service_locator.cUcW89y.router.cache_warmer".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.etVElvN" to ".service_locator.etVElvN.twig.template_cache_warmer".
  • Inlined service "argument_metadata_factory" to "debug.argument_resolver.inner".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.M1u7FKz" to "debug.argument_resolver.inner".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.wGtd0o3" to "console.command_loader".
  • Inlined service "cache.default_marshaller" to "".
  • Inlined service ".service_locator.PvoQzFT.router.default" to "router".
  • Inlined service "parameter_bag" to "router".
  • Inlined service "config_cache_factory" to "router".
  • Inlined service "debug.event_dispatcher.inner" to "event_dispatcher".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "routing.loader.attribute" to "routing.loader".
  • Inlined service "file_locator" to "routing.loader".
  • Tag "container.error" was defined on service(s) "argument_resolver.request_payload", but was never used. Did you mean "container.preload", "container.decorator", "container.stack"?
  • Tag "container.decorator" was defined on service(s) "event_dispatcher", but was never used. Did you mean "container.error"?